Learner driver car dual controls
From basic bolt on pedals to bring the pedals up a couple of inches to false floors with extensions for those that need them higher. Ideal if your are struggling to reach the pedal comfortably and can be tailored to your needs. We can also widen your brake pedal and raise the floor around your pedals to suit. Available for both manual and automatic vehicles.
Seat Repositions
We can raise seats or extend the runners to allow the seat to slide further back. It is also possible to add a mechanism to make the seat move Up/Down Back and forth electronically.
Push Button Start
We can turn your keyed ignition vehicle keyless. A variety of options are available depending on the vehicle.
If there is an adaption you require and can’t find, get in touch. We do a number of custom build and bespoke adaptations and able to fit all products from the following manufacture’s